ADA Accessibility Statement


Thank you for visiting our website! We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of content on our website in order to better serve our clients.

We have installed an accessibility widget that you can find in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

If you are still having trouble seeing our website, we recommend reviewing the resources listed below to help optimize your computer and browser to improve your online experience:
The guides above, referenced by the website will help you customize your particular web browser and computer to achieve the best results. The GDW site is designed to be able to be read aloud, navigated by keyboard only, allow increased or decreased text size, or changing of its colors for your accessibility needs.


Closed Captioning
Closed captioning (CC) provides a visual display of text that is synchronized with the video presentation and audio tracks. The term “Closed” indicates that the captions are not visible unless they are activated by the user.


Learn how to turn captioning on and off for YouTube by clicking here.


Increase Text Size
To increase text size in most web browsers simply hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the + (plus) key to increase text size or – (minus) key to reduce text size.


Additional Information
If you do encounter an accessibility issue and the recommendations above do not meet your individual needs, we invite you to contact our office at (855) 626-4244 for assistance.


We welcome any feedback on how to improve the site’s accessibility for all users. It is our goal to develop a website that is accessible to everyone!


Privacy Policy

Fax: (720) 441-0448


If you have difficulty using our website, please email us or call us at (855) 626-4244

Accessibility Statement

Phone: (855) 626-4244