
Have Questions? Get Answers here



The first step is to fill out our webform on the "contact" page. This will provide us with all the information we need to get you scheduled for an intake appointment with one of our intake clinicians. Intakes are 60-min virtual appointments! After this, the intake clinician will get you matched to a clinician of best-fit based off of your needs and preferences. If it's not a good-fit for any reason, we will do our best to get you matched to another clinician!

What is a psychological assessment? Do I need one?

For more information about psychological assessments, visit our Psychological Assessment page.

What Insurance do you take?

To find out what insurance plans we accept, please go to Rates & Insurance. Our insurance list is always up-to-date.

Do I need therapy?

If you're visiting this site, it's likely that at least part of you wonders if you need therapy. One of the major misconceptions I've encountered in my career is the idea that someone needs to be in crisis, their whole lives falling apart, or an absolute emotional wreck before they can seek help. This is wholly untrue. If you are currently struggling, identifying as being in crisis, it's okay. It happens to the best of us. I welcome people who are in crisis but that is not a requirement for entering therapy. Therapy is a tool you can use to support your personal growth and improve your health. Whether you want to make big, sweeping changes in you life or you would like to look at some patterns that you find mildly stressful, therapy can help. Moreover, research informs us that people who are in therapy do better than people who do not seek therapy at all. Therapy works!

How do I choose the therapist that is right for me?

Choosing a therapist can be a very difficult decision. Give yourself credit for going through the process in the first place. When choosing a therapist, we recommend a couple of things. First, check to make sure that the therapists you are considering are qualified. What are their credentials? Are they licensed? How much and what kinds of experience do they have working with the issue that brings you to therapy? It is important to work with someone who has experience in the area you'd like to address. This is particularly true for specialty areas like our specialty, eating disorders. To find out more about our therapists' credentials and experience, read the About Us page.

The second thing to consider is how much you like the therapist you're considering working with. Research has identified the therapeutic alliance (a positive relationship between the therapist and client) as being one of the most predictive factors of success in therapy. This tells us it's critical for you to work with someone you like, feel comfortable with, and can grow to trust. Most therapists offer phone or in-person consultations before you start working together so you can get to know what they're like and make an informed decision about whether you are a good fit for working together in therapy. To request an appointment or initial consultation, click here.

Another thing we recommend is to be choosy! Shop around for therapists. As professionals, we are used to people taking their time choosing and talking with other therapists before they pick one of us. You won't hurt our feelings by talking with other therapists before making a decision. Or, by choosing someone else. The therapeutic relationship is essential to having a good experience in therapy. Trust your instincts and pick someone you like who is highly qualified.

A final piece of advice we'd like to pass along is to consider switching therapists if things are not working. Before leaving your current therapist, address it with him or her directly. Many times the reason why therapy isn't going as you'd like can be worked through. However, if you're working with someone you know is absolutely not a good fit, consider switching to a therapist who can better meet your needs.

Do you prescribe medication?

No, we do not prescribe medication. Psychologists do not prescribe medication.  Psychologists are mental health professionals who hold a doctorate in psychology and are licensed in the state they work in. As  psychologists, we provide psychotherapy (talk therapy) and psychological assessments (testing for ADHD, learning disorders, etc).

Psychiatrists are medical doctors (MDs) who have completed medical school and training in residency in psychiatry. Though some psychiatrists also conduct psychotherapy sessions, most psychiatrists primarily provide medication management. Medication management includes giving diagnoses, writing prescriptions, and completing short (typically 15-30 minute) follow-up appointments to make sure that your medications are working well for you.

What is Aspen Ridge Mental Health's Training Program?

Here at Aspen Ridge Mental Health, we provide training to unlicensed clinicians at all stages of their schooling! You might see some of these designations along the way.

  • PD: Postdoctoral Resident
  • PMR: Postgraduate Master's Resident
  • Interns: Doctoral Interns
  • Externs: Doctoral Externs

We have licensed staff on the team to provide supervision to all of our unlicensed clinicians as well!

  • LP: Licensed Psychologist
  • LPC: Licensed Professional Counselor
  • CSS: Clinical Supervision Specialist


If you have difficulty using our website, please email us or call us at (855) 626-4244

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