
Nourish Your Mind: Strategies, Stories, and Support for Mental Wellness

How Therapy Helps Teens

Therapy plays a vital role in supporting teens as they navigate the challenges of adolescence. It provides a safe and confidential space where teens can express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without judgment. Through therapy, teens can develop healthier coping strategies, improve communication skills, and build resilience. It also helps them understand and manage emotions, work through personal issues, and gain a better sense of self-awareness. By addressing mental health concerns early, therapy can prevent more serious problems from developing and support teens in leading happier, healthier lives.

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Why is Accessible Mental Healthcare Important?

Dr. Janean Anderson discusses the critical importance of accessible mental health care and its impact on overall well-being. She explains how mental health influences every aspect of life, including physical health, relationships, and work. By ensuring mental health care is accessible, we can achieve better outcomes, reduce the burden of untreated mental illnesses, and promote healthier, more productive lives.

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Dietitians as Allies in Eating Disorder Recovery

Dietitians as Allies in Eating Disorder Recovery

By Julia Baker, MPH-RD
Eating disorders are complex and require a comprehensive treatment team, including a therapist, dietitian, medical provider, and often a psychiatrist. Dietitians play a crucial role by addressing malnutrition, debunking diet myths, reintroducing fear foods, and fostering body respect. Their personalized approach supports long-term recovery and helps rebuild a healthier relationship with food and the body.

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Supporting Transgender Youth

Supporting Transgender Youth

By Dr. Emma Durham, Psy.D.
Despite popular discourse, irreversible medical interventions like surgery and hormone-replacement therapy are not options for prepubescent children per medical guidelines. Supporting transgender children in social transitioning, including name, pronoun changes, and experimenting with appearance, leads to better well-being.

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Additional Resources

See who we are partnering with in our community to provide well-rounded acceptional care. Click here for more resources.


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