Group Therapy


Binge Eating Therapy Group

$80/ 75-minute session- Wednesdays 5:30 pm-6:45 pm (Virtual)

The Binge-Eating Process group is an interpersonal process group specifically for people in recovery from binge-eating, including Binge Eating Disorder, binge eating, and compulsive eating, emotional eating, overeating, and feeling stuck in the restriction/diet-overeating/binge eating cycle. The group is designed to offer support to members by sharing insights and problem-solving strategies, normalizing concerns, and creating camaraderie in the recovery process. Members in all stages of recovery are welcome!

Common topics that may come up in this group include:

  • Exploring what keeps you stuck in your binge eating disorder
  • Examining the underlying cause and function of your eating disorder behaviors
  • Discussing body image concerns in cultural context
  • Improving body image and self-care
  • Processing shame/guilt with regard to binge eating
  • Identifying eating disorder thoughts versus your own thoughts

All of our groups are informed by a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach. HAES is an evidence-based perspective that is weight-inclusive and social justice oriented, which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of concerns related to food and body.

Whether you are just beginning your work in therapy or you are stepping down from a higher level of care, this group will offer you insight, support, and honest feedback to facilitate your recovery.

This is a minimally-structured group that allows group members an opportunity to “check in” about their progress and struggles in recovery. The majority of the time in group is unstructured, enabling the group to determine what they would like to work on.

Group members will be asked to commit to 10 weeks of group. At the end of each 10-week interval, members have the option of continuing in group. If you would like support in your recovery, encouragement, hope and wisdom, this group is for you!

Queer Process Group – On Hold (Needs more members!)

$80/ 75-minute session- Wednesdays 5:30 pm-6:45 pm (Virtual)

Similar to a relationship process group, this is an unstructured space to allow group members to explore the relationship they have with themselves, which may include topics such as, self-esteem, queer identity development, beliefs about the self, and shame. This group will also explore our relationships with others, including topics such as, how one is perceived by and perceives others, interpersonal needs, boundaries, and relationship patterns. This group is gender and sexuality affirming, sex-positive, body-positive, kink-positive, and accepting of relationship diversity, including those practicing ethical non-monogamy and polyamory.

The purpose of this group is to further understand how your personality may be perceived by others, develop more intimate connections, explore the impact of your queer identity on self-worth and relationships, and improve self-acceptance. Research has shown that interpersonal process group therapy is an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

    In this group you will hear other people’s stories, noticing that you are not alone in your experiences. Group therapy offers support and normalization of common worries we have. Process group therapy also provides feedback, wisdom, and problem-solving opportunities with the other members of the group.

    Group members will be asked to commit to 10 weeks of group. At the end of each 10-week interval, members have the option of continuing in group.

    Relationships Therapy Group – ON HOLD until Fall, inquire about getting on the waitlist!

    $80/75-minute session
    Tuesdays 5:30 pm- 6:45 pm (Virtual)

    The Relationships Process group is an interpersonal process group for people who would like to work on issues related to relationships such as intimacy, trust, self-esteem, care-taking, setting boundaries, as well as depression, anxiety, and other concerns. This group is inclusive to adults of all genders, cultural backgrounds, and sexual orientations.

    If you’ve ever wondered how other people perceive you, how your personality “comes off” to others, wanted deeper connection in your friendships and romantic relationships, or wanted to feel more confident about yourself, this group could benefit you. Research has shown that interpersonal process group therapy is an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

    In this group you will hear other people’s stories, noticing that you are not alone in your experiences. Group therapy offers support and normalization of common worries we have. Process group therapy also provides feedback, wisdom, and problem-solving opportunities with the other members of the group.

    Group members will be asked to commit to 10 weeks of group. At the end of each 10-week interval, members have the option of continuing in group.

    Eating Disorder Process Group – ON HOLD

    $80/75-minute session- Thursdays 5:30-6:45 pm (Virtual)

    The Eating Disorder Process group is an interpersonal process group specifically for people in recovery from eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, restriction, binge eating, purging, overexercise and feeling stuck in eating disorder thoughts. This group is designed to be a safe space for individuals in all stages of recovery who desire additional support and community. Group members will help each other problem-solve, provide support for each other and give feedback to aid in the growth and recovery process.

    This group will focus on the following topics and more:

    • Exploring common patterns to your disordered eating patterns
    • Factors that keep you stuck in your eating disorder
    • Identifying the function of your eating disorder behaviors
    • Discussing body image concerns in cultural context
    •  Improving body image and self-care
    • Separating eating disorder thoughts from your own thoughts

    This is a minimally-structured group that allows group members an opportunity to “check in” about their progress and struggles in recovery. The majority of the time in group is unstructured, enabling the group to determine what they would like to work on.

    All of our groups are informed by a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach. HAES is an evidence-based perspective that is weight-inclusive and social justice oriented, which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of concerns related to food and body.

    Whether you are just beginning your work in therapy or you are stepping down from a higher level of care, this group will offer you insight, support, and honest feedback to facilitate your recovery.

    Group members will be asked to commit to 10 weeks of group. At the end of each 10-week interval, members have the option of continuing in group. If you would like support in your recovery, encouragement, hope and wisdom, this group is for you!


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